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Keto Advanced  the morning because I'm drinking this orange juice and water mixture it keeps me hydrated it keeps me energized it is the weirdest thing and I got to a point where I absolutely crave it every single day and I will get all day long some days I'll drink just one thing of it and then the rest of the day water but it is really the number one thing that has helped me and it's weird my husband feels the same way it has completely changed the way he so and by the way Rianne is saying that she does the same thing she says I do lemon water that is the same as your orange juice also so maybe she puts lemon and yeah yeah so it's probably the exact same concept you're having a little bit of and I don't know if the sugar content in the orange juice maybe helps a little bit more with the blood sugar because the blood sugar when it's stabilized it allows you to not crave things as much as you might otherwise so that's number one Molly someone's asking what about coffee okay so I am NOT a coffee drinker but it's okay to drink coffee but I would not substitute this for coffee I would still do the h2 Orange but you can totally drink coffee in addition to that you can drink soda I mean there's I drink diet soda sometimes there's really you can do any of that one of my friends was trying to drink propel instead and that's not going to have the same effect because propel isn't real natural sugar it's a fake sugar substitute so it's not gonna do the same thing to stabilize your blood sugar if that makes sense so for sure drink coffee in addition to this but I not good yeah but this number one you guys I'm telling you and it doesn't taste super good at first it just tastes like really watered-down orange juice but after about three days of drinking it I couldn't live without it it's so funny I'm telling you I don't know I get up super early I get hardly any sleep and it just energizes me and gets me going so it was 1/4 oj in 7 parts water yep roughly okay yep everyone is asking for the little recap on that yep welcome to everyone still coming in so many people people watching this is really fun good good ok so that's tip number one number two eat when you were at a level three hunger so there are four levels of hunger you're either at a level one a level to a three or four so let's go through those really quickly a level 100 is you're not hungry at all you're just bored and you want to eat for no other reason but you just want it numbe